Working with a Florist

I contacted Columbia resident Sandi a local flower enthusiast. I invited her on a collaboration for her skills in arrangement to be used in the new “Flower Vase With Frog”.

Sunday, after quote “getting carried away cutting” she came with flowers in hand and a box full of dried flowers. I helped Sandi remove the green leaves from the stems in order to help them stay fresh longer and she got started with arranging, It was so cool to see her hands move fast through the stems picking a different hole in the frog to place the flowers in. Sometimes taking the time to remove one and change it to a different place.

I got to learn about her and the way she got started with this. She shared how she loves pink and how one day she looked up and realized she had only bought pink flowers, sometimes she has to remember that there are other colors and hopes next seed buying season she will remember that.
